Sunday, May 23, 2021

Surah Kawsar

 Surah Kawsar

The disbelievers of Makkah used to ridicule him saying that after the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him) there would be no one to pronounce his name. When Qasim or Ibrahim, the son of the Prophet (peace be upon him), died in infancy, the disbelievers began to ridicule him as extinct.

The person whose son dies is called 'Abtar' or exterminator in Arabia. In this context, Surah Kawthar was revealed. (Ibn Kathir)

In this Surah, the answer to these accusations is that those who call the Prophet (peace be upon him) extinct only because they do not have a son are ignorant of his true dignity.

The ummah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) will be so many that it will be more than the sum of the ummahs of all the previous prophets.

(1) "Inna at'tayina-kal: kawsar"

 Surely I have given you Kausar.

Hauz Kawthar: Narrated Anas: One day the Prophet (peace be upon him) appeared before us in the mosque. Suddenly he felt drowsy or some kind of unconsciousness. Then he raised his head with a smile. We asked: O Messenger of Allah: What is the reason for your laughter? He said: At this moment a surah has been revealed to me. Then he recited Surah Kawthar with Bismillah and said: Do you know what Kawthar is? We said: Allah and His Messenger know best. He said: It is a canal of Paradise. My Lord has promised to give it to me. There are many benefits in this and my ummah will be able to drink water in this house on the Day of Resurrection. The number of its drinking vessels will be like the stars in the sky. Then the angels will remove some people from the house. I will say: My Lord! He is my follower. Allah Ta'ala will say: You do not know what new way he followed after you. - (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu-Dawood, Nasai)

(2) "Fashoallilli Rabbika Wanhar"

So pray to your Lord and sacrifice.

The word ‘Nhar’ means to sacrifice a camel. Sometimes the word is also used in the sense of any sacrifice. Contrary to the misconceptions of the disbelievers in the first verse of the Surah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) was instructed to give Kawthar, that is, all the good of this world and the hereafter, in abundance. Prayer is the greatest of the physical acts of worship and the sacrifice is of special importance among the financial acts of worship. Because, sacrificing in the name of Allah Ta'ala is a jihad against the rituals of idol worshipers. Another verse mentions sacrifice along with prayer - "Say, 'My prayer, my sacrifice, and my life and death are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds.' (Surat al-An'am, 162)

(3) "Inna sha-niyaka huwal abtar"

The one who is your enemy is the one who has been cut off.

This verse has been revealed to the disbelievers who used to accuse the Prophet (peace be upon him) of being extinct. Allah Ta'ala has bestowed innumerable blessings on Rasulullah (peace be upon him). This includes the abundance of children. His hereditary children are not less. The ummah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) will be more than the ummah of all the previous prophets. So on the one hand the words of the enemies have been thwarted and on the other hand it has been said that those who call you extinct are in fact extinct.

Researcher and analyst: Sheikh Rasel From Bangladesh.

Conversion from Bengali to English

Md Abu Sufian

Author: Learning For Earning 

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