Saturday, May 1, 2021

Surah Fatiha

 The name of starting something is "Fatiha".

The name of starting something is "Fatiha". The Surah is known as Ummul Qur'an, Ummul Kitab, Saba 'Masani, Quran Azeem and Suratul Hamd. The other names of this surah are Suratush Shefa and Suratur Ruqiyah.

I have given you seven verses that are repeated over and over again. " (Hijr-6)

Surah Fatiha has 25 words and 113 letters.

What is in the seven verses of Surah Fatiha? What we want from Allah, what we say to Allah - we are memorizing them. But what do I want? And what does that mean?

1) Alhamdulillah-hi Rabbil a-lamin.

At the beginning of Surah Al-Fatihah we say ‘Alhamdulillah’ meaning ‘All praise is due to Allah’ but are we really giving all the praise to Allah for all our things. Or worldly flattery and flattery, I am sharing some of this praise with people!

‘Rabbil Alameen’ means ‘Lord of all created worlds’. The word ‘Rab’ cannot be applied to anyone other than Allah. And the development, status and permanence of the worlds depends only on the face of a single Lord.

2) Ar Rahma-nir Raheem.

 ‘Absolute Giver and Merciful, Most Merciful’.

"Tell My servants that I am the Forgiving, the Most Merciful."


3) Ma-liki Yaomiddin.

‘Owner of Judgment Day’. That day is called the day of retribution. Rewards and reprimands will be effective on that day.

4) Ya-ka na’budu wa yya-kanasta’in.

‘Yaka na‘ budu ’means‘ we worship you alone ’. ‘Wa yya-kanasta’in’ means ‘we only ask for your help’. We say this right in every prayer. But let's examine ourselves a little and say, do we really not seek any help from anyone other than Allah? Without knowing whether I am associating anyone else in worship.

5) Ehdinassira-tal Mushtakim.

 ‘Show us the straight path’. Straight path means straight road, so that there are no drawings. Which literally means 'Islam'.

6) Sira-tallazina an'am ta'alahim.

 ‘In the way of those who have received your grace’. In verse 69 of Surah An-Nisa ', Allah Himself informs us who are the beloved devotees who are soaked in the mercy of Allah.

6) Ghairil Magdu B'alaihim Walad Dballin.

 ‘Not in the way of those who are cursed or angry, nor in the way of those who have gone astray’. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that those against whom wrath has descended are ‘Jews’, and those who have gone astray are ‘Christians’.

There is fear in the word Rabb and hope in the two words Rahman and Rahim. When the servant praises Allah and describes the superiority of Allah, then Allah says, "My servant has what he wants." We accept the full obedience of Allah and ask for your help in all our affairs.

Researcher and analyst: Shaikh Rasel

Conversion from Bengali to English

Md Abu Sufian

Author: Learning For Earning

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